Sunday, March 22, 2015

Moving to Kentucky: Ellensburg to Boise

Today we started our adventure of moving form Washington to Kentucky. This trip will be more interesting than driving across country to New York from California because we have two children. We won't be driving 12 hour days this time.

We woke up this morning at Nick's sisters house and got the kiddos packed up and ready to go. It was not easy leaving a family I've become so attached to. The hardest part is knowing Kailey doesn't understand she won't be seeing Cousin Carson, who has quickly become her best buddy, for a long time.

Once we started on the road Henry went right back to sleep. Nick decided to teach Kailey "I Spy" so we played that for a few minutes. It wasn't very easy to play considering we had to go with spying things by their colors and we were driving through mostly rocky deserts. After we were done with that Kailey asked to color. I got out her crayons and coloring books and left her at it while I read my yoga book. Not very much time passed when Kailey asked me to color with her. I kindly obliged and colored a few pages in her unicorn book.

We stopped some somewhere in Oregon for lunch at an A&W. The sun was shining and we decided to take our lunch outside and eat in the lawn. Henry and Kailey both appreciated being out of their car seats. Like I've said before....if there is only one dandelion in the grass, Kailey will find it. After she found one she brought it right to me. Then we loaded up into the car again and headed East towards Idaho.

We were almost to Idaho when Kailey told us she needed to "use the big girl potty." Nick quickly pulled into the next exit and the only gas station around was closed. Luckily there was a big gravel turn around where we thought we can pull off and teach Kailey how to go to the bathroom in the great outdoors. Nick and I were both a bit worried about how things were going to go until Nick saw a huge tire off to the side which we used as a potty. I wish I could have gotten a picture of it but I wasn't fast enough. The weirdest part of the whole thing was the huge pile of potatoes in the middle of the gravel.

A few more hours later and we made it to Aunt Lisa's! So here we are for the night and for tomorrow night. There will be more adventurous posts to follow as we make our way to our next home.

Brother, watching Sissy be crazy!